
Aderyn :: Taxon Dictionary (122,479 taxon found)

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Showing records 113851 to 113900 of 122,479.

Scientific Name (Count) Common Name Taxon Group CAT Action
Thelidium submethorium Thelidium submethorium lichen CAT4
Thelidium zwackhii (18) Thelidium zwackhii lichen CAT3
Thelocarpaceae Thelocarpaceae lichen CAT4
Thelocarpon (3) Thelocarpon lichen CAT4
Thelocarpon coccosporum Thelocarpon coccosporum lichen CAT2
Thelocarpon epibolum s. lat. (2) Thelocarpon epibolum s. lat. lichen CAT4
Thelocarpon epibolum s. str. Thelocarpon epibolum s. str. lichen CAT4
Thelocarpon epibolum var. epibolum (15) Thelocarpon epibolum var. epibolum lichen CAT3
Thelocarpon epibolum var. epithallinum Thelocarpon epibolum var. epithallinum lichen CAT2
Thelocarpon impressellum (14) Thelocarpon impressellum lichen CAT4
Thelocarpon intermediellum (10) Thelocarpon intermediellum lichen CAT2
Thelocarpon laureri (17) Thelocarpon laureri lichen CAT3
Thelocarpon lichenicola (11) Thelocarpon lichenicola lichen CAT2
Thelocarpon magnussonii (2) Thelocarpon magnussonii lichen CAT3
Thelocarpon olivaceum Thelocarpon olivaceum lichen CAT4
Thelocarpon opertum (1) Thelocarpon opertum lichen CAT4
Thelocarpon pallidum (5) Thelocarpon pallidum lichen CAT3
Thelocarpon robustum (1) Thelocarpon robustum lichen CAT3
Thelocarpon saxicola (1) Thelocarpon saxicola lichen CAT3
Thelocarpon sphaerosporum Thelocarpon sphaerosporum lichen CAT2
Thelocarpon strasseri Thelocarpon strasseri lichen CAT2
Thelocarpon superellum (1) Thelocarpon superellum lichen CAT4
Thelonectria Thelonectria fungus CAT4
Thelonectria discophora Thelonectria discophora fungus CAT4
Thelonectria jungneri Thelonectria jungneri fungus CAT4
Thelonectria lucida Thelonectria lucida fungus CAT4
Thelonectria mammoidea (2) Thelonectria mammoidea fungus CAT4
Thelonectria olida Thelonectria olida fungus CAT4
Thelonectria pinea Thelonectria pinea fungus CAT4
Thelonectria rubi (1) Thelonectria rubi fungus CAT4
Thelonectria veuillotiana (1) Thelonectria veuillotiana fungus CAT4
Thelopsis Thelopsis lichen CAT4
Thelopsis corticola (1) Thelopsis corticola lichen CAT4
Thelopsis isiaca (1) Thelopsis isiaca lichen CAT4
Thelopsis rubella (133) Thelopsis rubella lichen CAT1
Thelotrema (2) Thelotrema lichen CAT4
Thelotrema lepadinum (1,074) Thelotrema lepadinum lichen CAT3
Thelotrema macrosporum Thelotrema macrosporum lichen CAT2
Thelotrema monosporum Thelotrema monosporum lichen CAT4
Thelotrema subtile Thelotrema subtile lichen CAT4
Thelyconychia Thelyconychia insect - true fly (Diptera) CAT4
Thelyconychia solivaga Thelyconychia solivaga insect - true fly (Diptera) CAT4
Thelymorpha Thelymorpha insect - true fly (Diptera) CAT4
Thelymorpha marmorata Thelymorpha marmorata insect - true fly (Diptera) CAT2
Thelypodium Thelypodium flowering plant CAT4
Thelypodium lasiophyllum Cutleaf Thelypody flowering plant CAT4
Thelypteridaceae (1) Thelypteridaceae fern CAT4
Thelypteris (6) Thelypteris fern CAT4
Thelypteris palustris (96) Marsh Fern fern CAT2
Themira (1) Themira insect - true fly (Diptera) CAT4