
Aderyn :: What's in my Area? :: Search Results

Below are the results of your search for 1km grid square SO3314. Records are stored as polygons (based on their grid reference resolution). Only records stored at 1km or better resolution are returned. Species are ordered by category and then by scientific name.

The following 107 records matched your search from 79 different non-sensitive species. Search area 1.00 km2.
Any sensitive species within your search area will have been removed from the results. View the list of LERC Wales sensitive species here.
Species   Category Taxon Group Count First Recorded Last Recorded
Larus argentatus (Herring Gull) CAT1 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Numenius arquata (Curlew) CAT1 Birds 5 25/06/2022 11/05/2023
Prunella modularis (Dunnock) CAT1 Birds 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Turdus iliacus (Redwing) CAT1 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Turdus pilaris (Fieldfare) CAT1 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Larus canus (Common Gull) CAT2 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Larus fuscus (Lesser Black-backed Gull) CAT2 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Turdus viscivorus (Mistle Thrush) CAT2 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Acer campestre (Field Maple) CAT3 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Buteo buteo (Buzzard) CAT3 Birds 2 17/11/2016 25/06/2022
Coloeus monedula (Jackdaw) CAT3 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Cornus sanguinea (Dogwood) CAT3 Vascular Plants 2 28/11/2016 28/01/2017
Cyanistes caeruleus (Blue Tit) CAT3 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Turdus merula (Blackbird) CAT3 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Ulmus procera (English Elm) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Viscum album (Mistletoe) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Buddleja davidii (Butterfly-bush) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Columba palumbus (Woodpigeon) CAT4 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Corvus corone (Carrion Crow) CAT4 Birds 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Corvus frugilegus (Rook) CAT4 Birds 3 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Pica pica (Magpie) CAT4 Birds 2 17/11/2016 28/11/2016
Aegopodium podagraria (Ground-elder) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Alnus glutinosa (Alder) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Anthriscus sylvestris (Cow Parsley) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Arum maculatum (Lords-and-Ladies) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/01/2017 28/01/2017
Atriplex patula (Common Orache) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Cirsium arvense (Creeping Thistle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Clitocybe geotropa (Trooping Funnel) CAT4 Fungi and Slime Moulds 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Corylus avellana (Hazel) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Dactylis glomerata (Cock's-foot) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Dioscorea communis (Black Bryony) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/11/2016
Dryopteris filix-mas (Male-fern) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Elytrigia repens (Common Couch) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Ficaria verna (Lesser Celandine) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/01/2017 28/01/2017
Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Galium aparine (Cleavers) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Geranium robertianum (Herb-Robert) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Geum urbanum (Wood Avens) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Glechoma hederacea (Ground-ivy) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Hedera helix (Ivy) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Heracleum sphondylium (Hogweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Ilex aquifolium (Holly) CAT4 Vascular Plants 3 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Lapsana communis (Nipplewort) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Ligustrum vulgare agg. (Ligustrum vulgare agg.) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Mercurialis perennis (Dog's Mercury) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Phyllitis scolopendrium (Hart's-tongue) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Phytomyza ilicis (Holly Leaf Gall Fly) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Plantago major (Greater Plantain) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Polypodium vulgare (Polypody) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Potentilla sterilis (Barren Strawberry) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Pseudoinonotus dryadeus (Oak Bracket) CAT4 Fungi and Slime Moulds 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Pteridium aquilinum (Bracken) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Quercus robur (Pedunculate Oak) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Rosa (Rose) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Rubus (Bramble) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Rubus fruticosus agg. (Bramble) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/01/2017 28/01/2017
Rumex obtusifolius (Broad-leaved Dock) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Rumex sanguineus (Wood Dock) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Salix caprea (Goat Willow) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/11/2016
Salix euxina x alba = S. x fragilis (Crack-willow) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Sambucus nigra (Elder) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Sisymbrium officinale (Hedge Mustard) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Sonchus oleraceus (Smooth Sow-thistle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 3 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Stellaria media (Common Chickweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Taraxacum (Dandelion) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Taraxacum laticordatum (Decumbent Dandelion) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 16/04/1984 16/04/1984
Taraxacum officinale agg. (Dandelion) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/01/2017 28/01/2017
Taxus baccata (Yew) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Tremella foliacea (Leafy Brain) CAT4 Fungi and Slime Moulds 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Trifolium repens (White Clover) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Ulmus glabra (Wych Elm) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/11/2016 28/11/2016
Urtica dioica (Common Nettle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 17/11/2016 28/01/2017
Vicia sepium (Bush Vetch) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 17/11/2016 17/11/2016
Vulpes vulpes (Red Fox) CAT4 Mammals (terrestrial) 1 28/07/2022 28/07/2022
X Cupressocyparis (X Cupressocyparis) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 28/01/2017 28/01/2017