
Aderyn :: What's in my Area? :: Search Results

Below are the results of your search for 1km grid square SO1256. Records are stored as polygons (based on their grid reference resolution). Only records stored at 1km or better resolution are returned. Species are ordered by category and then by scientific name.

The following 168 records matched your search from 154 different non-sensitive species. Search area 1.00 km2.
Any sensitive species within your search area will have been removed from the results. View the list of LERC Wales sensitive species here.
Species   Category Taxon Group Count First Recorded Last Recorded
Erinaceus europaeus (West European Hedgehog) CAT1 Mammals (terrestrial) 1 09/07/2021 09/07/2021
Acer campestre (Field Maple) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Achillea ptarmica (Sneezewort) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Buteo buteo (Buzzard) CAT3 Birds 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Carex flacca (Glaucous Sedge) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Corvus corax (Raven) CAT3 Birds 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Epipactis helleborine (Broad-leaved Helleborine) CAT3 Vascular Plants 2 06/06/2006 29/06/2006
Galium mollugo (Hedge Bedstraw) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Populus nigra (Black-poplar) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 05/03/1986 05/03/1986
Populus tremula (Aspen) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Prunus padus (Bird Cherry) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Spergula arvensis (Corn Spurrey) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Viola lutea (Mountain Pansy) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 12/05/1997 12/05/1997
Arion (Arion) ater (Large Black Slug) CAT4 Invertebrates (other, marine or freshwater) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Acalitus stenaspis (Acalitus stenaspis) CAT4 Invertebrates (spider or ally) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Acer pseudoplatanus (Sycamore) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Aceria fraxinivora (Aceria fraxinivora) CAT4 Invertebrates (spider or ally) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Aceria nalepai (Aceria nalepai) CAT4 Invertebrates (spider or ally) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Alnus glutinosa (Alder) CAT4 Vascular Plants 3 05/03/1986 23/08/2020
Andricus foecundatrix (Artichoke Gall) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Andricus kollari (Marble Gall) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Andricus lignicola (Cola-Nut Gall) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Angelica sylvestris (Wild Angelica) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Arrhenatherum elatius (False Oat-grass) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Asplenium adiantum-nigrum) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Betula pendula (Silver Birch) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 05/03/1986 05/03/1986
Betula pubescens (Downy Birch) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Biorhiza pallida (Oak Apple) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Blennocampa phyllocolpa (Blennocampa phyllocolpa) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Boletus appendiculatus (Oak Bolete) CAT4 Fungi and Slime Moulds 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Calocera cornea (Small Stagshorn) CAT4 Fungi and Slime Moulds 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Cardamine flexuosa (Wavy Bitter-cress) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Centaurea nigra sens. lat. (=nigra/debauxii) (Common Knapweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Cepaea (Cepaea) nemoralis (Brown-lipped Snail) CAT4 Invertebrates (other, marine or freshwater) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Cerastium fontanum (Common Mouse-ear) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Chamerion angustifolium (Rosebay Willowherb) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Cirsium arvense (Creeping Thistle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Cirsium palustre (Marsh Thistle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Corylus avellana (Hazel) CAT4 Vascular Plants 3 05/03/1986 23/08/2020
Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn) CAT4 Vascular Plants 3 05/03/1986 23/08/2020
Cynosurus cristatus (Crested Dog's-tail) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dactylis glomerata (Cock's-foot) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dasineura crataegi (Dasineura crataegi) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dasineura fraxinea (Dasineura fraxinea) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dasineura pteridis (Dasineura pteridis) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dasineura pustulans (Dasineura pustulans) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dasineura rosae (Dasineura rosae) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dasineura ulmaria (Dasineura ulmaria) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dasineura urticae (Dasineura urticae) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Deschampsia flexuosa (Wavy Hair-grass) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Diplolepis nervosa (Diplolepis nervosa) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Discus (Gonyodiscus) rotundatus (Rounded Snail) CAT4 Invertebrates (other, marine or freshwater) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Dryopteris filix-mas (Male-fern) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Epilobium hirsutum (Great Willowherb) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Epilobium montanum (Broad-leaved Willowherb) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Eriophyes pyri (Eriophyes pyri) CAT4 Invertebrates (spider or ally) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Eriophyes similis (Eriophyes similis) CAT4 Invertebrates (spider or ally) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Fagus sylvatica (Beech) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Festuca ovina (Sheep's-fescue) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Filipendula ulmaria (Meadowsweet) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) CAT4 Vascular Plants 3 05/03/1986 23/08/2020
Galium aparine (Cleavers) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Galium palustre (Marsh-bedstraw) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Geranium molle (Dove's-foot Crane's-bill) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Geranium robertianum (Herb-Robert) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Geum urbanum (Wood Avens) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Gnaphalium uliginosum (Marsh Cudweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Gyrinus substriatus (Gyrinus substriatus) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Hartigiola annulipes (Hartigiola annulipes) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Hedera helix (Ivy) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Heracleum sphondylium (Hogweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire-fog) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Holcus mollis (Creeping Soft-grass) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Ilex aquifolium (Holly) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 05/03/1986 23/08/2020
Iteomyia major (Iteomyia major) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Juncus bufonius (Toad Rush) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Juncus effusus (Soft-rush) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Lactarius (Lactarius) CAT4 Fungi and Slime Moulds 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Lapsana communis (Nipplewort) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Lasius flavus (Yellow Meadow Ant) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Lathyrus pratensis (Meadow Vetchling) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Lithobius (Lithobius) forficatus (Lithobius (Lithobius) forficatus) CAT4 Invertebrates (other, terrestrial) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Lolium perenne (Perennial Rye-grass) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Lonicera periclymenum (Honeysuckle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 05/03/1986 23/08/2020
Lotus corniculatus (Common Bird's-foot-trefoil) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Macrodiplosis pustularis (Macrodiplosis pustularis) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Malus (Apple) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Malus sylvestris (Crab Apple) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 05/03/1986 05/03/1986
Matricaria discoidea (Pineappleweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Mercurialis perennis (Dog's Mercury) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Neuroterus albipes (Smooth Spangle Gall) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Neuroterus anthracinus (Oyster Gall) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Neuroterus numismalis (Silk-Button Spangle Gall) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Neuroterus quercusbaccarum (Currant Gall) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Notonecta (Notonecta) glauca (Common Backswimmer) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Oniscus asellus (Common Shiny Woodlouse) CAT4 Invertebrates (other, marine or freshwater) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Palomena prasina (Green Shieldbug) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Pedicia rivosa (Pedicia rivosa) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Persicaria maculosa (Redshank) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Phleum pratense (Timothy) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Phyllocoptes goniothorax (Phyllocoptes goniothorax) CAT4 Invertebrates (spider or ally) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Phyllocoptes populi (Phyllocoptes populi) CAT4 Invertebrates (spider or ally) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Phytoptus avellanae (Phytoptus avellanae) CAT4 Invertebrates (spider or ally) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Pieris rapae (Small White) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 14/09/1999 14/09/1999
Piptoporus betulinus (Birch Polypore) CAT4 Fungi and Slime Moulds 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Plantago major (Greater Plantain) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Plasmodiophora alni (Plasmodiophora alni) CAT4 Other 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Poa annua (Annual Meadow-grass) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Polygonum aviculare (Knotgrass) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Porcellio scaber (Common Rough Woodlouse) CAT4 Invertebrates (other, marine or freshwater) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Potentilla anserina (Silverweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Potentilla erecta (Tormentil) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Potentilla sterilis (Barren Strawberry) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Primula vulgaris (Primrose) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Prunella vulgaris (Selfheal) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Prunus avium (Wild Cherry) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Prunus domestica (Wild Plum) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata (22-spot Ladybird) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Psyllopsis fraxini (Psyllopsis fraxini) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Pteridium aquilinum (Bracken) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Puccinia lagenophorae (Puccinia lagenophorae) CAT4 Fungi and Slime Moulds 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Quercus petraea (Sessile Oak) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 05/03/1986 05/03/1986
Quercus robur (Pedunculate Oak) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Ranunculus acris (Meadow Buttercup) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Ranunculus flammula (Lesser Spearwort) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Ranunculus repens (Creeping Buttercup) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Rosa arvensis (Field-rose) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Rubus fruticosus agg. (Bramble) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Rumex obtusifolius (Broad-leaved Dock) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Salix caprea (Goat Willow) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Salix cinerea (Common Sallow) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 05/03/1986 23/08/2020
Sambucus nigra (Elder) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Scathophaga stercoraria (Scathophaga stercoraria) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Scrophularia nodosa (Common Figwort) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Senecio vulgaris (Groundsel) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Sisymbrium officinale (Hedge Mustard) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Sonchus asper (Prickly Sow-thistle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Sorbus aucuparia (Rowan) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 05/03/1986 23/08/2020
Stachys sylvatica (Hedge Woundwort) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Stellaria media (Common Chickweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Taraxacum officinale agg. (Dandelion) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Trifolium pratense (Red Clover) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Trioza remota (Trioza remota) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Ulex europaeus (Gorse) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Urtica dioica (Common Nettle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral) CAT4 Invertebrates (insect) 1 14/09/1999 14/09/1999
Veronica serpyllifolia (Thyme-leaved Speedwell) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Vicia sativa (Common Vetch) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020
Viola (Violet) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/08/2020 23/08/2020