
Aderyn :: What's in my Area? :: Search Results

Below are the results of your search for 1km grid square SN9651. Records are stored as polygons (based on their grid reference resolution). Only records stored at 1km or better resolution are returned. Species are ordered by category and then by scientific name.

The following 59 records matched your search from 42 different non-sensitive species. Search area 1.00 km2.
Any sensitive species within your search area will have been removed from the results. View the list of LERC Wales sensitive species here.
Species   Category Taxon Group Count First Recorded Last Recorded
Salmo salar (Atlantic Salmon) CAT1 Fish 1 09/07/1997 09/07/1997
Anagallis tenella (Bog Pimpernel) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Aphanes arvensis (Parsley-piert) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Barbatula barbatula (Stone Loach) CAT3 Fish 2 18/07/1996 09/07/1997
Carex panicea (Carnation Sedge) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Certhia familiaris (Treecreeper) CAT3 Birds 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Cottus gobio (Bullhead) CAT3 Fish 6 01/07/1997 31/07/1998
Hypericum pulchrum (Slender St John's-wort) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Luzula pilosa (Hairy Wood-rush) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Oxalis acetosella (Wood-sorrel) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Populus tremula (Aspen) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Salmo trutta subsp. fario (Brown Trout) CAT3 Fish 5 18/07/1996 28/07/1998
Scutellaria minor (Lesser Skullcap) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Stachys officinalis (Betony) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Ulex gallii (Western Gorse) CAT3 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Epilobium brunnescens (New Zealand Willowherb) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Alnus glutinosa (Alder) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Blechnum spicant (Hard-fern) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Carex remota (Remote Sedge) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Cirsium palustre (Marsh Thistle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 04/02/2002 04/02/2002
Corylus avellana (Hazel) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 04/02/2002 04/02/2002
Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 04/02/2002 04/02/2002
Galium saxatile (Heath Bedstraw) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Hypericum maculatum (Imperforate St John's-wort) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Juncus acutiflorus (Sharp-flowered Rush) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Juncus bulbosus (Bulbous Rush) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Lepus (Lepus) CAT4 Mammals (terrestrial) 1 16/02/2003 16/02/2003
Lonicera periclymenum (Honeysuckle) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Lotus pedunculatus (Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Myosotis scorpioides (Water Forget-me-not) CAT4 Vascular Plants 2 04/02/2002 04/02/2002
Petromyzontidae (Petromyzontidae) CAT4 Fish 2 18/07/1996 09/07/1997
Phleum pratense (Timothy) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Potentilla erecta (Tormentil) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 04/02/2002 04/02/2002
Pteridium aquilinum (Bracken) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Ranunculus acris (Meadow Buttercup) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Ranunculus flammula (Lesser Spearwort) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Sagina procumbens (Procumbent Pearlwort) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Salix aurita (Eared Willow) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Sorbus aucuparia (Rowan) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Stellaria media (Common Chickweed) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019
Viola riviniana (Common Dog-violet) CAT4 Vascular Plants 1 23/10/2019 23/10/2019